Letter received by Banks from James Edward Smith, 3 February1798 (Series 72.164) - No. 0002

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me with but one or two spiculæ, it will be very important to me, I mean from british specimens. 

Withering has some how or other got from Afzelius information that the Linnn. specns. are only the viviporous vary. of alpina, which is totally erroneous; & he quotes him for as strange a blunder p. 160 that Bromus secalinus, hordeaceus & racemosus are all the same in the Linn. herbm, & all varieties of mollis.  Afzelius could not have made such a mistake.  Wittering blunders too about Cerastium vulgatum & viscosum.

I have had P. alpina sent me from Scottd .for bulbosa. 

In short this genus is very ill understood in Engld.

I will not intrude any longer on your time, than to beg an ansr.


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