Sect. ? in MSS.
1. Spears:- 1
2. N.(orth) W. (est) and Lower Gulf Districts. 1
3. Pennefather River " 1
4. Pr. (incess) Charl. (otte) Bay. C.(?)Bedford, Bloomfield River and Palmer R. 3
5. Lower Tully River " 6
6. Rockhampton " 7
7. Brisbane " 8
8. Spear - Throwers. (wommeras):- 9
9. Pennefather R District 10
10. Palmer and Laura Rivers. 11
11. C (ape) Bedford, Endeavour & Bloomfield Rivers 11
12. Pr (incess) Charl. (otte) Bay 13
13. Lower Tully River 13
14. N.(orth) W.(est) Districts 13
15. Boomerangs:- 14
16. Lower Tully River 14
17. Mackay District 15
18. Rockhampton " 15
19. Brisbane " 16
20. N.(orth) W.(est) districts and Lower Gulf Districts 16
21. Sheilds:- Peninsula and N.(orth) W(est) Districts 17
22. Tully R.(iver) and Cardwell " 17
23. Bloomfield and Endeavour Rivers 18
24. Rockhampton District 19
25. Brisbane " 20
26 Throwing - Sticks (Nulla - Nullas) " N.West district 21
27 Tully River 21
28 Rockhampton District 22
29: Brisbane 23
30. Fighting - Poles. 24
31. Two-handed Swords. 25
32. Single-handed swords. 25
33. Manner of Fighting - Intertribal 26
34 " " - Individual 26