Letter received by Banks from Arthur Phillip, 3 December 1791 (Series 37.20) - No. 0002

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are sound likewise in all the tubs & I am certain that Capt Parker will see that great care is taken of them while on board, but in conveying them to the Kings garden, & while the ship is at Spithead, the attention of many honest men will be wanted, & you must send a gardener down for that purpose. Seeds are likewise sent & one small box has my fine young Norfolk Pines in it. Three of those trees which I have named after the Duchess of Cumberland are sent in different tubs, & I should wish the tree to retain the name I have given it: you have, Sir, offered to take any trouble on my account, & I shall esteem it as a favour if the drawing of that tree & which I send you thro' Mr Nepean is in the box with the Seeds, is copied by one of the best Artists in 

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