Letter received by Banks from John Hunter, 12 March, 25 July 1798 (Series 38.09) - No. 0005

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Crops, this may serve to Shew what good farmers woud have done with such land. Our last Crops & increase of Stock I will send you a Copy of. By an extraordinary Exertion in picking up our Scatterd Men, I was enabled to put the Hills at Toongabbie, (which it had been attempted to make me believe were good for Nothing) into Cultivation this last year, & I never saw in any Country a Crop of that extent (about 300 Acres) more heavy & luxurient, I trust I shall by that Exertion & some other Ground which was Cropt on the Public Account, have Sav'd to Govt: £4000: -  this Season.

For the prevention of any attempts being made upon our Valuable Herd of Wild Cattle, I have lately made an excursion to the Southward, & I was fortunate in falling in with a flock of 67, but having formerly seen more together I conjuture that they sometimes Separate into different herds, being too Numerous to keep the whole together: A few Officers soon after My action having Signified a desire to Visit that part of the Country, I sent with them as a guide, a Man who generally attends me thither, and they at the foot of a Mountain Met with probably the whole Stock, they coud not distinctly Count them, but were of Opinion they were about 150, this is probable.

Two of My last party, down from Mount Taurus to the Sea Coast, where I had orderd a Boat shoud Meet them & which they found very Conveniently, As I now send you a Chart Corrected from My last Journey & many observations for the Latitude

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