State Library of NSW
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by its discretion I have no doubt falls into the Hawkesbury, this branch is what has been calld the Nepean; next Morning we unloaded our Horses, & the Banks being excessivey Steep we traversd them down the sides & led them thro' the water without any sort of difficulty - here we had Evident Marks & signs of the astonishing Swelling of this little River at least fifty feet above its common level when heavy torrents of rain fall - about a Mile to the Southward of this river, the Country Opend considerably, the Trees were tall but fewer in Number, the Grass thick and Luxuriant, the Hills not steep or abrupt, but of a gentle & beautifull Slope, & at the bottom we frequently found large Ponds or rather Lakes of Water coverd with Ducks Teal & often Black Swans.
On this Second Evening whilst we were pitching our Tent being now near the place where the Cattle had been seen, we intended in this place to keep our head quarters, & go out from thence in different directions - but whilst we were employd in this Work we heard the Voice of a Cow, and soon after of Many, we ascended a Hill to prevent being discoverd & from that Situation we beheld a Herd of about forty in No. feeding in a Beautifull Pasture in the Valley; nex day
I was now Anxious to ascertain of what breed this herd was
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