Copy of a letter written by Banks to John Hunter, 7 February 1799. (Series 38.14) - No. 0001

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to Hunter

Soho Square
Feb.y 1. 1799 

My dear Sir

I have to thank you for innumerable marks of your attention for which I beg you to be assured that I am very gratefull I have receivd Seeds & Specimens by Capt Neven & since by another Ship the former of which were sent to the Royal Gardens as a present from you the latter I keep in my own collection.
You have been very friendly in writing to me the very particular account I have receivd from you of the state of things in your Colony I greive to observe that matters go on so ill & am mortified that so little has been done towards putting you more at your [words missing?] assured that the situation of Europe is at present so critical & his Majesties Ministers so fully employd in business of the deepest importance that it is scarce possible to gain a moments audience on any subject but those which stand foremost in their minds & Colonies of all kinds you may be assured are now put into the back ground.
Persevere however my good Sir in the manly honest & open conduct you have hitherto held & you must in time prevail Your Colony is already a most valuable appendage to Great Britain & I flatter myself we shall before it is long see her Ministers made sensible of its real value rest assured in the mean time that no opportunity will be lost by me of impressing them with just ideas of the probable importance to which it is likely before long to attain & to urge them to pay to it that degree of attention which it clearly deserves at their hands.

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