Letter received by Banks from Elizabeth Bligh, 25 January 1808 (Series 42.02) - No. 0001

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Jan: 25th 1808. 

Dear Sir

          Amongst a roll of drawings which Captn. Bligh sent home & which has been detained till the other day at the Custom House with Gov. Kings Passage, I find two which he has directed for you, & which I now send by the Bearer.  It gave me much pleasure to hear from Mr. Brown that your valuable health is likely soon to return, & that this fit of the Gout has not been very severe.  I am sorry to intrude my distress on you at a time when nothing but what is amusing or entertaining should approach you, but I have felt so much on reading the enclosed, which has been for some time circulating among the Navy people, that I cannot resist sending it to you & informing you of the uncommon circumstances attending it - in the first place most of the allegations in it are false hoods, & known to be so by all the Officers of the Buffalo who were present at the Court Martial, & indeed by all the people who came home in her from N.S. Wales.  The unfortunate Lieutenant who was the Prosecutor, & who I have

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