Letter received by Philip Gidley King from Banks, 8 April 1803 (Series 39.076) - No. 0004

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I do not know what the French minerologist means by a substance fit for the Glazing of China which may be got from your Ferrugineous stones be so good therefore as to send me some of these Stones that I may Procure an analysis of them

The political Situation of Europe is Troublesome & Turbulent in the extreme The French nation wishes to be at Rest  The Chief Consul wishes to be at war & in order to bring about this Event he assails us with uninterupted affronts of the most Serious nature  Flesh & blood Can scarce bear it & I fear this nation will not bear it much longer We have already had a message from the King to say that the French are arriving & have refusd  to Say for what purpose which has put the Spirit of the nation very much up how it will end I cannot foresee but it cannot go on well as Long as the chief Consul lives 

beleive me my dear Sir
with sincere & Gratefull Esteem
Your Faithfull Hmble Srvt
Jos Banks

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