List of Plants in the Colony of New South Wales that are not Indigenous March 20th 1803', May 1803 (Series 39.083) - No. 0003

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List of Plants Continued

Names of Plants Varieties If in General Use Remarks
  Esculent Roots Contind    
Onions Strasburgh In General use  
" Red do-  
Leek London do-  
Carrot Orange do-  
  Early Horn do-  
Parsnip Swelling do-  
Raddish Short top'd do-  
" Salmon do-  
" White Turnip do-  
" Red Do Scarce  
" White Spanish not much Cultivatd  
" Black Do do-  
Garlick " in General use  
Shallot " do-  
Turnip Early Dutch do-  
" Stone do-  
" Field do-  
" Red do-  
" Yellow In General cultivation  
" Swedish (Ruta Baga) Scarce  
Horse Raddish " do-  
Yam the Cultivated do- It does not thrive in this part of the Colony
Arum Eatable not much in Cultivatn  
Artichokes Common In General use  
  Sweet and Pot Herbs    
Marygold Double & Single In Common Use  
Summer Savory " do-  
Sweet Marjoram " do-  
Thyme Common do-  
Hyssop   do-  
Balm " do-  
Dill " do-  
Fennel " do-  
Sage Broad leaved do-  
Sweet Charville " do-  
Rue " do-  
Borrage " Scarce  
Mint a bad Sort "  
Marsh Mallow " only 3 plants  
Ginger Broad leaved Scarce It appears not to thrive in this part of the Colony
Turmerick " do-  

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