List of Plants in the Colony of New South Wales that are not Indigenous March 20th 1803', May 1803 (Series 39.083) - No. 0001

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List of Plants of the Colony of New South Wales that are not Indigenous March 20th 1803
Names of Plants Varieties If in General Cultivation Remarks
  Grain and Pulse  
Wheat. Common Brown. in General Cultivation. There has been some
White bearded Wheat
in the Colony but is now
They have been lately
transplanted and appear
to do Well.
Barley. long Eared. a bad sort not much in  do-
" Big. do-.
Oats. long bearded White. a Bad Sort do-.
" Black. Only a few.
Pease Dwarf Marrowfat. in General Cultivation
" Tall 0o. do-.
" Charlton. do-.
" Blue Spanish do-.
Beans Windsor do-.
" Long Pod. do-.
" White Blossom. do-.
" Mazapan. do-.
Maize. Yellow Grained. do-. Succeeds Well.
Millet. Indian. not much Cultivation 
" Italian. do-.
Kidney Beans. Batersea. in Gen Cultivation. They all succeed well and
bear abundantly
" Canterbury Dwarf. do-
" Brown Speckled 0o. do-.
" Yellow 0o. do-
" Liver Coloured 0o-. do-.
" Scarlet Runners. do-.
" White Dutch 0o-. do-.
  Esculent and Sallad Herbs.  
Cauliflower Early. in General Use. Very fine in the cold season.
Brocoli' Early purple. do-
" Late 0o-. do-.
" Dwarf Dutch 0o-. do-.
" White. do--.
Asparagus. Batersea do-. Very fine.
Savoy. Green Curled. do-.
Scotch Kale. Green.  do- best in Winter.
" Red. Scarce.
Cabbage. Battersea. in General Use all the sorts of Cabbage
are fine and well flavoured,
but are liable to degenerate. 
" Early York. do--.
" Dutch. do-.
" Scotch. do-.
" Sugar loaf. do-.
" Red. Scarce.
Sea Kale. " do--.* *Being lately raised from
seed, cannot affirm that it
will be usefull. 


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