Item 02: N. G. Linton diary, 31 October 1916- 4 August 1918 - Page 43

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June 24 Met Lambert McKenzie in a shop there.   Glad to see him.   He explained that, on account of red tape, or a disinclination so to do, he was unable to dine with me.   I took it as an affront on his part and had no desire to eat with him at all.   Felt rather disgusted at his behavior.   Had tea in a swell cafe and caught train back to Corbie, arriving there 9.30.   Herb was not too well after the bad headache attack that came on him while in Amiens.
June 25 Pontoon bridging all day on the canal.   Training for a show to be held soon.   Very hot work.
June 26 Same as yesterday.
June 27 Parade 8.45.   General inspection on banks of canal.   Bridging and pontooning display.   Work inspected by General Hobbs who was very pleased with the display.   Afternoon off.   Spent it swimming which was very enjoyable.
June 28 Parade 7.45.   Did more pontooning and some training for coming Regatta.
June 29 Parade 7.45.   Spent day training for Regatta and swimming.   Wet.
June 30 Parade 7.45.   Picquet on pontoons all night with Herb and Tim Woods.   A horribly wet and cold night.   Tried to get some dry wood to make a fire to warm ourselves by, but failed miserably.
July 1 Picquet relieved at 9.30.   Day off.   Went back to billet and got tidied and cleaned up.   Got paid.   Went into town for feed.   Wet and cold again.
July 2 Parade 7.45.   Morning spent on bridging on lagoon for this afternoon's sports.   Had lunch in town of eggs.   Rowing events for Regatta were rowed in afternoon.
July 3 Parade 7.45.   Spent morning cleaning up Sports Ground for this afternoon's sports display.   Afternoon, Good show.   Rowing and all sorts of aquatic sports.   Lovely day for it.   Our company to the fore with prize winners.   Had two swims which were very enjoyable.
July 4 Parade 7.45.   Again on picquet at canal.   Rain last night made everything wet and miserable.   Had to get out and get a tent to make things habitable.
July 5 Came off picquet.   Had the day off.   Lazed all day.
July 6 Heavy bridging at locks all day.   Went for swim after tea.
July 7 Bridging, same as yesterday, all morning.   Left for concert meeting in afternoon.   Australian Rules Foot-


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