Item 02: N. G. Linton diary, 31 October 1916- 4 August 1918 - Page 41

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June 10 Rose 7.   Parade 8.30.   Out wiring all morning.   Spent afternoon washing, as we are expecting to shift in a day or two now.
June 11 Rose 7.   Big storm raging.   Parade 9.   Did knots and lashings till 11.   Dismissed.   Expect to shift at any time.   Went to concert after tea.
June 12 Rose 6.30.   Parade 8.30.   Out wiring all morning.   Had afternoon off.   Watched cricket match after tea and wrote letters till dark.
June 13 Rose 6.30.   Very sick with bad headache and bilious attack, in spite of pills.   Got better after Breakfast and went into Bapaume for dental attention.   Have to go again on Friday.   Afternoon off.   Spent time washing and tidying up.   After tea had a read.
June 14 Rose 6.30.   Nice morning.   Parade 9.   Did demolitions all morning.   Afternoon off.   Nothing to report.   Saw our company beaten by 14th Company at Rugby on ground at Favrieul.
June 15 Rose 7.   Nice morning.   Parade 9.   Set out at 8.30 for dental.   Got temporary filling put in.   Returned noon.   Afternoon off.   Went to hear "Verey Lights" at night.   Had another bath to-day.
June 16 Rose 7.   Hot day.   Parade 9.   Trestle practice all morning.   Afternoon off.   Leaving to-morrow for Bouzincourt.
June 17 Rose 6.   Spent morning packing up.   Parade 12.45.   Marched out of Favrieul for Bapaume.   Entrained at 3.   Arrived at Bouzincourt 7.15 very tired and dusty and with bad head after weary 6 mile march.   Turned in early being glad of the chance.
June 18 Parade 9.   Felt off color.   Did company drill for an hour, then set out for a swim to the pond at Avaloy [possibly Aveluy].   Had our swim.   Enjoyed it immensely.   Much struck with the beauty of this pretty place.   Set out for Bouzincourt in charge of Lt Clarke.   Led us home a different route to that by which we came with the result that we got lost and about four miles out of our course.   Eventually arrived home sick, sore and sorry.   Arrived 1.15 dead beat.   It seems strange to be in a village that bears no imprint of the savagery of the Hun.
June 19 Rose 6.30.   Dull and thundery.   Parade 9.   Did Company drill till 11.15.   Dismissed for rest of the day.   Advised that we are leaving here for Corbie on the morrow.   Hooray!
June 20 Rose 6.   Parade 9.   Fell in in full marching order.   Marched out of Bouzincourt on the way to Corbie via Ribemont and Mericourt.   Nice day for marching and find


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