Item 02: N. G. Linton diary, 31 October 1916- 4 August 1918 - Page 27

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March 5 all day revetting.   A real pig of a day.   Mail.   Stayed in billet all evening writing.
March 6 Parade 8.   Very cold and windy morning.   Church grounds.   Little work as there were no sods available.   Spent most of day in trenches shivering.   Left 4.   No mail.   Jim's section went on London leave.   Lecture in Salvation Hall at 6 by Lt Norton.   7.30.   Rehearsal in New Church Hall for big concert on 27th.   Dont like having to go out in the cold wind.   Feeling jake tonight.
March 7 Parade 8.   Very cold and windy.   Church grounds all day.   Pumped water out of dugout gallery and cleaned up generally.   Too cold to work in open.   Spent day in trenches.   Left 4.15.   No mail.   After tea, posted home mail.   Returned billet and spent evening by fire.
March 8 Parade 8.   Lovely day.   Great improvement in weather of last few days.   Church grounds all day, draining dugout.   Good day's work.   Mail.   Tea.   Stayed at billet all evening by fire reading and writing.
March 9 Parade 8.   Nice morning.   Day very cold as it snowed continuously pretty nearly all day.   Church farm draining dugout all day.   Wet and very dirty job.   Town 4.45.   Mail.   Tea.   Pay at 6.   Got  £4.10.0.   Paid fare to London, 5/3 ½d.   Returned billet 8.   Spent rest of evening there by fire.
March 10. Parade 8.   Church till noon.   Town 12.30.   Dinner.   Called at Bateman's.   Tea.   Bath.   Returned to billet.   Stayed in all evening and wrote letters.
March 11 Parade 9.30.   Breakfast in billet.   Church till 10.45.   Mail.   Got balance of souvenirs.   After dinner, spent evening fixing up souvenirs for post.   Cleaned up regimentals ready for leave.   Had tea at Rec. Room.   Spent evening in billet writing and reading.
March 12 Parade 8.   Raining hard.   Dismissed till 9.   Fell in at 9.   Marched to church.   Still wet.   After sitting under cover for a half hour, returned town and were dismissed at 2.   Lecture New Church Hall on camp arrangement and sanitation.   Dismissed 3.30.   Mail.   Issue of waterproof capes.   Spent in evening at billet getting ready for leave.
March 13 Parade 8.   Got passes for London and ticket.   Left on leave by 10.20 train from Brightlingsea.   Arrived at Liverpool Street Station 12.45.   Caught tube train to Chancery Lane and saw and had dinner with Mr Highwood.   Left London at 3 for Cricklewood and met Mr Linley on his way out to the city.   Made my way to 199 Melrose Avenue and met Mrs Linley.   Had dinner and spent evening at home yarning


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