Item 02: N. G. Linton diary, 31 October 1916- 4 August 1918 - Page 26

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[Page 26]

Feb 24 Had tea and supper in billet.   Turned in 10.30, tired.
Feb 25 Parade 9.30.   Church till 10.45.   Had dinner with Lady Bateman.   Jim Johnson came.   Enjoyed it thoroughly.   Struck us as being almost ethereal to sit down and eat our food - and such food - like civilised beings again.   Returned town and had kit inspection at Rec. Grounds.   Returned billet and went to Rec. Hall for tea.   Returned billet and spent evening by fire reading.
Feb 26 Parade 8.   Minefields 9.30.   All day on pick and shovel and breastworks.   Hard time.   Feet much better after treatment.   Left 3.30.   Town 4.15.   No mail.   Went to billet and got tidy.   Tea.   Saw Mr Dumas and handed him  £4/18/4 on account of souvenirs.   Returned billet to soak feet.   Spent all evening in billet.   Had practice for to-morrow's concert at Methodist hall.
Feb 27 Parade 8.   Minefields all day on breastworks.   Day extended till 4.30, and no more jerks, as time available for training has to be curtailed.   Left for town 4.30.   Town 5.30.   Tea.   Stayed at billet till 7.   Went to Concert.   Did two items.   Encored each time.   Crowded house.   Lt. Gray in the chair.   Concert a great success.   Returned billet at 10.   Had supper and went to bed.
Feb 28 Parade 8.   Minefields all day.   Left 2.   Town 3.25.   Tea.   Task work again on trenches at night.   Good light.   Did my task in allotted time and was among first to leave.   Home 10.15.   Supper.   Bathed my poor feet and turned in.
March 1 Parade 8.       Church till 11 revetting trenches.   Took it easy.   11 am went to Minefields and saw 12 lbs of Guncotton exploded on Machine Gun emplacement with little or no effect.   Dinner.   Church grounds again and resumed this morning's job.   Left 4.30 after an easy day   Good mail.   Tea.   Spent evening reading.   Turned in early.   Feet very bad.   First intimation of final leave to-day.   Granted 5 days, from 13th to 18th instant.   Great rejoicing.   No extra money to be granted for leave.
March 2 Parade 8.   Church all day revetting.   Easy day.   Nice balmy warm weather.   Left 4.30.   Town 4.50.   Got souvenirs and handed same out after tea.   Spent evening in billet reading and writing.   No mail.   Sent concert program home.
March 3 Parade 8.   Minefields all day on demolitions of breast-works, etc.   No mail.   Dismissed 11.15.   Bath.   Dinner.   Cleaned up and went for tea to Mrs Bateman.   Had gorgeous time.   Returned to billet 8.30.   Supper.   Bed.
March 4 Parade 9.30.   Church.   No mail.   Dinner.   Stayed home all afternoon.   Very cold and bitter day.   Had tea in billet.   Spent evening writing home mail and London letters advising of leave.
March 5 Parade 8.   Snowing and bitingly cold.   Church grounds


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