Item 01: Leslie Kemnitz Stuart diary, 18 March 1915-4 March 1916 - Page 65

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[Page 65]

Monday 7 February, 1916

Sadness in the tucker line. Dinner 1½ biscuits each, 1 tin of jam between 11 men & 1 pannican of tea. (Indigestion is very scarce in this camp.)

Another aeroplane came over today & scouted round for about half & hour.

The railway is right up to us now & timber & matting is beginning to come in for the trenches.

We had our tea tonight listening to the strains of music produced by the band. We would rather have them put a little more sugar in the tea or make it an extra tin of jam per day if they are trying to make our meals more pleasant; music is so unsatisfactory as an item of your diet.

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