Women sent out before sundown to collect
fire wood.
The men prepare their camping places, by
smoothing surface, removing any stones,
and breaking down the hard pieces of
soil. Women sweep the ground with
brush wood and branches, clean it of
any grass-seeds and burrs.
Gins at Delamere used conves pieces of bark to rest their heads upon during sleep.
[sketched image]
Balneation act of bathing [directly?]
Ablution in water holes of tropics.
Abscission (circumcision)
Agglutination of Eyelids
Alveolar process borders [?] jaws, transverse
plates divide into alveolus
or tooth sockets
Bronchos suppuression of voice
Aphonia dumbness loss of voice due to
paralysis of vocal cords,
or inflammation of larynx.
Arcus Senilis pearly opacity encom-
passing cornea, sometimes called