File 3: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 3, pp. 1203-1832, 1822-1828: No. 001

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[MS 1203]

Parramatta 6th February 1822

Revd Sir

It is with feelings of deep contrition and heartfelt sorrow, I thus approach you, lest in consequence of the unpardonable and [unwarrantable?] breach made in your confidence on Monday, after the humane and christian [indecipherable] caution you lately gave me, and indeed I had [flattered?] myself from the efforts [effects?] produced on me by that [advice?] nothing would induce me either to [indec] or to
go into company [lest?] in an evil hour I was
unfortunately solicited to accompany a [wedding? no]
party I had formerly known while in [indecipherable]
H​​​​ospital, I invited [Isac?] to accompany me
who I am equally sorry for with myself, this 
[lead?] to the inebriated state in which you saw 
me. If I can only obtain your pardon and [forgiveness?] I will not only study to avoid the 
rep​​etition of such conduct in future but will guard against such pernicious habits as the ruin of my immortal soul the ruin of my constitution and the consequent result of [bringing?] me to disgrace and infamy and as the harbinger of all those ills which have led me to my present degraded state and had I not taken

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