State Library of NSW
three of your Sisters on Saturday last. They were all very well - and believe me to remain My dear Friend Yours truly [Signed] Jno Palmer
The Price I understand is twenty Shillings Currency which I think is very cheap — Pray let me hear from you as soon as possible — In great haste pray excuse this Scrawl [Signature]
Yours came safe to hand and gives me much pleasure to if possible but the boots you write for are Indian top boots and would be of no service if they were sent up as they are so narrow in the legs that it would be inconvenient for any person to put them on as and to get them off again would be a matter of little importance as they are so thin in my opinion they would go to rags — that they would [indecipherable] in the [opperation?] so much for the boot Should I see any it would serve you
[cross-written text]
that would answer your purpose I will let you know by the earlyist conveyance but fear I shall not be able to succeed I feel very thankfull for your kindness in mentioning my friends are well and hope you enjoy health especially your Mama whom pray give my respects to as also to your sister. Wishing you health, prosperity and happiness allow me to [indecipherable] my self your [indecipherable] friend.
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