At a PUBLIC MEETING held at Parramatta, on Friday, February 28th, 1868, it was resolved -
1. That it is highly expedient that the King's School should be re-opened.
2. That a Committee be formed for effecting this object.
3. That a Subscription List be opened for the same purpose.
The Committee then appointed, met on Thursday, March 5th, and were addressed by the Bishop, upon the plan to be adopted.
After some discussion it was moved by Richard Cox, Esq., and seconded by Edward Betts, Esq., and resolved that the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, the Rev. A. H. Stephen, W. Lumsdaine, W.J. Gunther and T. Kemmis ; and Messrs. C. Campbell, and H. Lumsdaine, be appointed a Sub-committee to draw up a Circular, and to obtain subscriptions.
In accordance with this resolution, it now becomes the duty of the Sub-Committee to lay the following proposals before the members of the Church of England generally, and to solicit their support in carrying them out.
1. It is proposed to form a Council for the King's School, to consist of Clergy and Laity, to be elected by the Subscribers to the fund for re-opening the School.
2. It is proposed that the Council shall have the management of the funds subscribed, and the selection and appointment of the master.
3. It is proposed that the School shall have two departments, classical and modern ; - that while its general character shall be distinctly that of a Church of England Institution, due regard shall be paid in the terms of the original Regulations of the School to the wishes of parents, or guardians of any other religious denomination ; that the charges shall be as moderate as practicable, and that special advantages shall be afforded to the sons of clergymen of the Church of England.
In further compliance with their instructions, the Sub-committee earnestly solicit your aid. To one brought up at the King's School no arguments need be addressed. There has been but one feeling of regret, at the closing of the School, and there is but one desire that it should take its wonted place in the educational Institutions of the Colony.
If it is said that the means of education have of late years greatly increased, it may be answered that the demand for education has increased even more rapidly, and that