State Library of NSW
Most tremendous sea & ended in rain & lightning (the da before we had seen a small land bird flying round the ship) the wind now came to SW we push forward with all sail [V?] Next day. Monday 3rd Oct 10 in the fore noon. Made Van Diemens Land. The Southern Extremity of New Holland. its lattitude 43 °..37 ´ south. Its Longitude 146 °..86' east from Greenwich. And distant from the Cape of Good Hope 5987 miles. After morning [iick] land we met with contrary winds. Various & rapid currents which retarded our [progress?] along the coast (which we saw little of) till the 19th of Jan 7 on which day as4 in the afternoon. We anchored safe (& all in good health & spirits) in the long wish for Botany Bay. The natives as we sailed in came down to the edge of the cliffs. Making a noise & lifting up their spears. Immediately after anchoring the Governor accompany by some officers went on shore on the north side of the bay & met some of the natives on the beach. We went towards them singly. which as soon as they saw a very old man walkd [walked] from among them to meet him, this man (who probably remember the days of Capt Coook officers) did not show the least signs of fear or distrust. the Governor put some red cloth about his neck, gave him some beads & other trifling presents with which he appeared well pleased. The next day we landed in different parts of the bay. Saw the natives who came to us without fear. Armed with spears but without an appearance of hostile intentions they would receive anything from us but we could not then get them either to eat or drink with us. I went to an elderly man, put a piece of blue cloth round his neck & a string of glass beads round his arm, shook him by the hand which he seemed to take as a mark of confidence. I pulled a biscuit out of my pocket, broke it, eat part of it & gave him the other piece. He took it, put it to his mouth & appeared to be eating, & soon withdrew toward his companions. I followed at a small distance saw him throw down the bread which I took up unseen by him & found he had not tasted it. The next day morning the three ships of the fleet arrivd [arrived]
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