and has the advantage of being comprised within the bulk of the smallest Saccharometer, with the same range of Scale, ever to the public.
However simple these improvements of the Instrument may now appear, they yet involve sufficient complication to render their accurate execution very difficult in the beginning; all difficulties are now, however, completely surmounted, and without neglecting the strength and durability of the several parts, great care has been taken to secure, by their figure, the utmost sensibility of motion and freedom from the liability of retaining air; whilst by the further invention of a new method of adjustment, the execution of the whole is rendered as simple and perfect as its theory.
To complete the perfection of the Saccharometer, it become necessary to institute a course of accurate experiments upon the Expansion of the Worts; upon the true quantity of Solid Extract which they produce, and upon the Expansion of the fermented Wash from Worts of different strengths. In the experiments, as well as in the compilation of the Tables form them, every circumstance which, in the most remote manner, could affect the result, was taken account of, and carefully allowed for: nothing was taken for granted or guessed at, bit on the contrary, great diligence * and scrupulous exactness were employed, and neither expense nor labour spared in providing the necessary materials and apparatus. The following Tables accordingly furnish the most accurate results, and, it is believed, present the only true estimate of the Concentration of Worts, and the first notice of the Expansions of the fermented Worts or Wash, which are very unexpectedly found to be less than those of the same Worts before fermentation.
Wash being occasionally attenuated below the Specific Gravity of Water, it has been thought proper to give an additional range to the Saccharometer for the use of Distillers; this extension of the capacity of the Instrument enables it to show the strength of Low Wines; a Table is therefore given in which the proportion by bulk which they contain of Proof Spirit is had by inspection form the Temperature of the Low Wines and the Indication of the Saccharometer therein.
* The actual experiments on density in the investigation of Expansion alone amounted to 346, many of which could be estimated to an unit in the 5th decimal place of figures; and the actual number of weighings in the experiments on Extract were 290. The calculations for deriving the Tables from the experiments and adapting them to ordinary use, were proportionably numerous and complete.