Item 14: George Washington Thomas Lambert papers, October 1917-March 1919 - Page 22

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[Page 22]

Canteen stores were unprocurable and the eatables sent from overseas formed a very much needed variation of diet.  The troops had been on mobile rations bully beef, biscuit and jam for over a month.

Nov. 27.

     At 1800 on 27th November, orders were received from the Division for the Brigade to march at 2230 that night, and proceed to Kh Deiran, a march of 22 miles, and remain in readiness to move into the front line at Berfilya or Shilta, where the enemy were heavily counter-attacking.
     At 2215 the Brigade commenced its night's march to Deiran, and reached that place at 0700 on 28th November.

Nov. 28.

     The Brigade rested in the vicinity of Deiran throughout the day.  The Brigadier was informed by the Divisional Commander that the enemy had driven the 54th Division from Shilta, and the 3rd Light Horse Brigade was to be prepared to march at a moments notice to the neighborhood of Berfilya, and support the infantry.
     At 2345, 28th November, orders were received from the Division for the 3rd Light Horse Brigade less 10th Regiment, and Notts Battery, but with Gloucester Yeomanry Regiment attached, to move at once, march to Berfilya and come under the orders of the G.O.C., 52nd Division on arrival.
     At 0015 on 29th November the Brigade commenced its second successive night march and reached Berfilya a distance of 13 miles at 0530.

Nov. 29.

     The Brigade on arrival at Berfilya was without waiting further instructions to take up a position to cover Berfilya from the N.E., and to push out patrols to gain touch with the 52nd Division on the right and the 54th Division on the left.  The 9th Light Horse Regiment acted as advanced guard to the Brigade on this march, and pushed out patrols from Berfilya and located the 155th infantry Brigade of 52nd Division at El Burj, and gained touch with the right of the 54th Division, about 1½ miles north of Berfilya.
     At 0830 the Brigadier proceeded to Headquarters, 52nd Division at Beit Nuba to attend conference of 20th Corps Commander at that place, and received orders for the future movement of the Brigade.  Nose bags were put on the horses, and men took the opportunity to rest.  Both men and horses were tired after two successive night marches.
     At 1245 the Brigadier returned to the Brigade at Berfilya and explained the requirements of the Divisional Commander.  The 3rd Light Horse Brigade dismounted, was to take over the line held by the 155th infantry Brigade and to establish its headquarters at El Burj.  The only horses to remain in the hills were to be pack horses, ammunition transport, and water cart horses.
     At 1530 the Brigade moved from Berfilya to El Burj, (2 miles), and at 1630 the men were dismounted, seconds in command of Regiments, 6 officers per Regiment, and 1 man to 4 horses, returned to Kh Deiran, with the horses of the Brigade.
     The sight of Light horsemen marching into the line with full kit up brought back memories of old Gallipoli days.  The thoughts of "footing" it everywhere and being away from their horses, were unpleasant to some of the men.  However, within a fortnight the opinion of the majority had changed.  Heavy rains, mud, and wintry conditions generally set in and it was agreed that under such conditions with horses to attend to, life would have been miserable indeed.  From the commencement of the desert fighting, only one short period of a week of wet weather had been experienced and this was when the Brigade was operating back in the sand.  The sloppy conditiions were altogether new.
     By 2200, 3rd Light Horse Brigade had taken over from the 155th Infantry Brigade, the line from a point 1 1/4 miles south-east of El Burj and 1/2 mile north of El Burj, to Kh Abu Fureij, 1 mile north-west of El Burj.  The Brigade had been considerably reduced in numbers by casualties, and an epidemic of diarrhoea since

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