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precipitous and great difficulty was experienced in moving horses which invariably had to be led.
At 1500 patrols returned to bivouac at Saris bringing 13 Turkish prisoners captured while on outpost at Ain Karim. Much useful information had been gained of the enemy throughout the day both by reconnaissance and from the inhabitants. A second squadron 10th L.H. Regiment was despatched at 0700 to occupy Bidu, and was heavily shelled in carrying out the task. Relay posts were established between Bidu and headquarters at Enab and these too were heavily shelled. The squadron remained at Bidu until the following morning, (24th Nov.), and was then relieved by C squadron and returned to Enab. The remaining two squadrons, 10th L.H. Regiment, moved to Soba at 0700 on 24th November to carry out strong reconnaissance towards Bittir railway station, it was reached at 1200. Enemy commenced shelling but no casualties were suffered. It was discovered that the station buildings at Bittir had recently been demolished and the centre span of railway bridge west of station blown away. Information was gained from Bedouins that 200 Turks had been at these places the previous day and carried out demolition work, afterwards retiring. Information gained by the reconnaissance proved that the enemy were not holding any position in force west of Bittir. The camp at Saris was reached at 1800. Both men and horses were very tired. Temperature was still very low but rain held off.
Nov. 25.
C squadron returned from Bidu and moved to Ammur where they were outposted on high ground at K.H. Loz.
Nov. 26.
It was found impossible to keep up rations to a whole Brigade of Mounted Troops in the hills, and all except 10th Light Horse Regiment returned to the plains. The 60th Division had now taken over from the 75th Division. The 75th Division had suffered very heavy casualties in their operations in this area. The enemy had to be attacked in his positions on the high points. At 1200 on 27th November the Regiment reached Artuf where a plentiful supply of water was found. The place was a Jewish settlement and centre of considerable importance. Delicious pastry was here purchased by the troops from the inhabitants, who welcomed the British troops.
On 28th November a reconnaissance southwards to red Roman road and along the Wadi Najal was carried out.
On 29th November the Regiment was employed making a track for wheeled traffic along Wadi Najal reconnoitred the previous day.
On 29th and 30th November the country along the Jerusalem railway, embracing Welejeh-Bittir-Kuryet-Saidee-Aquari-Khudr-Housan-El Kabu-Kh. Yehudi-Kh Tazah-Erras was reconnoitred. Enemy was being encountered but not in strength, and shots were continually exchanged. Efforts to drive the Turks from Bittir and Welejeh were unsuccessful on account of enemy commanding the high ground north of these places.
On 1st December the 10th Light Horse Regiment continued reconnoitring, most of which had to be done on foot, it was impossible to get horses over the country. Reconnaissance to Erras disclosed abundant supply of water at that place, and at 0600 1 squadron, 10th Light Horse Regiment moved from Artuf to establish itself at Erras, and carry out reconnaissance to Bittir-Welejeh-Khudr-Hausan and towards Beit Jala and the Hebron road. Natives were very friendly towards our troops, and much information of the enemy was gained.
On 2nd December 10th Light Horse Regiment was inspected by Major-General Shea, D.S.O., commanding 60th Division. On 2/3rd December active patrolling was carried out. Enemy continually being encountered and prisoners brought in as result.
On 4th December Lieut.-Col. Todd, D.S.O., 10th L.H. Regiment proceeded to Enab from Artuf to attend meeting of Unit Commanders at 60th Divisional headquarters to discuss projected operations against Jerusalem. The role allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment was principally to link up with 53rd Infantry Division