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The enemy position at Sheria had been taken the previous day by our infantry and evidence of severe fighting could be seen everywhere. Heavy casualties had been inflicted on the enemy here by our artillery, but our infantry casualties had also been very heavy. Sheria was still being heavily shelled by the enemy. The news that Gaza had been evacuated by the enemy had just been received. The mounted troops were now to take up pursuit of the retreating enemy.
At 1600 orders were received for the Brigade to move via a crossing at Kh Um El Bahr over wadi Sheria to co-operate with Anzac Division on the right and clear the ridge from that place to Kh Barrata, and wadi Saleh, which were reported held by enemy rear guards. 9th and 10th L.H. Regiments galloped on to these positions, but met with very slight enemy opposition, it was now quite dark, the enemy had fallen back very rapidly.
Brigade outpost line with 10th L.H.Regt. on right and 9th L.H. Regiment on the left was taken up. At 2100 orders were received from Australian Mounted Division that the line wadi Jemmameh-Zuheilka, must be occupied by dawn on the 8th instant at all costs. 3rd A.L.H. Bde. to connect with the left of Anzac Divn. and the right of 5th Mounted Bde. 10th L.H.Regt. gained touch with the 2nd A.L.H. Regt. but the 9th L.H.Regt. was unable to link up with the 5th Mounted Brigade as they had not occuped the position ordered. The weather continued to keep fine.
On the following morning an attempt was to be made by the mounted troops to cut off part of the main body of the retreating enemy force. The enemy had been driven from his strong defensive position Beersheba-Gaza, and his force was becoming disorganised.
Nov. 8.
At 0400 10th L.H. Regt, on the right and 9th L.H. Regt.on the left moved from night outpost line to occupy position ordered by Divisional Headquarters.
At 0450 a small enemy outpost was captured by the 9th L.H. Regt. and by 0500 just as dawn was breaking the 9th L.H. Regt. came under very heavy rifle and machine gun fire. The enemy at the same time opened up a battery of 4 field guns, and the remainder of the Brigade, which had moved forward immediately in rear of the two advanced regiments were subjected to very heavy shelling. Notts battery moved back to the right flank very rapidly, and brought their guns into action immediately with good effect. 8th L.H. Regt. and remainder of M.G. Squadron and B.H.Q. group extended and moved back to a slightly covered position sustaining very few casualties. The 10th and 9th L.H. Regiments had dismounted for action on the opening up of enemy fire at 0510, and with the support of the Notts battery were pushing the Turks back, although the 9th Regiment met with strong opposition and were suffering many casulties.
The 9th L.H. Regiment, under Lieut. Col. W.H. Scott, D.S.O., and the 10th L.H. Regiment, under Lieut. Col. T.J. Todd, D.S.O., made a determined advance against the strong enemy position and shortly afterwards the enemy were observed to be withdrawing from his redoubt. This redoubt was now occupied by us. The Notts battery came up and gave enfilade fire against the enemy in front of the Anzac Division. During the last mentioned fighting instructions had been received from Division to move on Huj. These were now acted on, the right of the 3rd L.H. Brigade moving to Kofkah. At 0900 with the 9th L.H. Regiment in advance the Brigade moved on a bearing of 305 degrees towards Huj. At 1000 touch was gained with the 5th Mounted Brigade on our left. At 1030 the enemy were observed retiring from Huj in large numbers, but the ridges between our advanced guard and that place were held by strong rear guards. The 5th Mounted Brigade on our left now began to push vigorously towards the west of Huj. Our advanced guard conformed and with the aid of Notts Battery pushed in the opposing rear guard. The 5th Mounted Brigade were now observed to make a most gallant charge at a strong enemy position containing 4 guns and many machine guns. The charge was successful, although with heavy casualties to the Yeomanry. The right flank patrol