Item 14: George Washington Thomas Lambert papers, October 1917-March 1919 - Page 11

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[Page 11]                                                                                                                                     Nov. 4.

     There were probably 30,000 horses in the Beersheba area and the water question became acute.  There was not enough water for all there.
     At 1400 the Division moved back to Karm, a distance of 15 miles.  The track was in a very bad state.  This route had been taken by all traffic to Beersheba from Shellal and Jemmi, throughout the four days previous.  The march was most trying.  The rising dust was so great that it was impossible to see the ears of one's own horse.  Several casualties occured during this march, through horses and vehicles getting into uncovered wells and cisterns.  At 2230 on 4th November after watering horses at Karm, the Brigade bivouaced ¾ of a mile north west of Karm Railway Station.

Nov. 5.

     The role of the Australian Mounted Division in the Karm area was:-

     (a).   To watch the gap between Wadi Hanafish, on the right, (the left of the 20th Corps), and Hiseia, on the left, (the right of the 21st Corps).

     (b).   Protect the rail head which was now at Karm, and 

     (c).   To be in readiness on the fall of the enemy's position at Hareira and Sheria to take up the pursuit.

     At 0630 on 5th November 3rd Light Horse Brigade relieved the 6th Mounted Brigade, taking over the left sector - 550 exclusive to Hiseia inclusive - of the Divisional Line.  9th and 10th L.H. Regiments held the day outpost lines, and both Regiments came under heavy shelling during the early part of the morning from the direction of Hareira.
     Our infantry attack on Sheria was now developing, and a very heavy bombardment on Gaza could be heard.  At about 1300 considerable enemy movement about 5 miles N.E. direction was observed.
     On the night of 5th November 9th and 10th L.H. Regiments held the night outpost line.  The night was quiet throughout.

Nov. 6

     The 8th L.H.Regiment at 0930 on 6th Novr. relieved troops from the 9th and 10th L.H. Regts. in the day outpost lines.  Relief of troops continued throughout the day and all horses of the Brigade were enabled to be watered once that day at Hiseia or at Fara in the wadi Ghuzzee.
     The situation along the Divisional front remained quiet but at 1100 our Infantry could be seen advancing on the Rushdi system.
     At 1500 orders were received for 9th L.H. Regiment to move rapidly and take up a line on the left on the Infantry who were now well established in the Rushdie system.  The line held was from Kh Kauwukah to point 510.
     Enemy shelled throughout the day but only 2 casualties were inflicted on our troops.  Special reconnaissances to El Magam, Khirbet um Rijl and Wadi el Baha, were made by troops from 8th L.H. Regt. during the morning, and were found clear of enemy, but enemy was observed at Atawineh.  It was now evident that the enemy had fallen back everywhere on to his stronghold at Sheria.
     At 1600 orders were received for 3rd A.L.H. Brigade to come under the direct of G.H.Q., and at 2300 G.H.Q. ordered the Brigade to concentrate in the vicinity of Karm in readiness for rapid movement to Sheria, via Imlieh [Imleih] and Irgeig.

Nov. 7.

     At 0730 on 7th November the Brigade, less 9th L.H. Regiment watered at Karm, and at 0815 moved at a trot and walk towards Sheria.  The route taken was through Kh Imlieh and Abu Irgeig positions won from the enemy on the previous day.  9th L.H. Regiment moved from Karm at 0900, and joined up with the Brigade at point 2 miles east of Tel El Sheria station, at 1200, having covered the 16 miles from Karm in 3 hours.  The Brigade now reverted to the command of the Australian Mounted Division and became Divisional  reserve at a point ¾ of a mile S.E. of Sheria Station.



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