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previously and guns and transport met with difficulties when crossing the Wadi Imshash. On the other hand the stifling dust trouble was not experienced. Its absence gave great relief to the troops and animals, and allowed them to arrive at the point of concentration ready for action in a fitter condition, than had rising dust been experienced.
The march from Asluj to Iswaiwan was in many places over stoney country. The track was only in fair order due to the traffic of the Anzac Mounted Division ahead.
Notwithstanding that the march had been continuous, except for 2 hours at Asluj, since 1700 on the previous afternoon, when daylight broke, men were not showing signs of fatigue, although many of the riding horses were evidently in want of water.
Oct. 31.
Shortly after 0530 our advanced troops gained touch with the Anzac Mounted Division in the vicinity of Iswaiwan. Here water in shallow pools was discovered and many of the horses were given a short drink, although time would not permit of all horses being watered.
The Australian Mounted Division shortly afterwards concentrated. Final orders for the Division were to be received at the point of concentration. The Division would be called upon for either one or two tasks by the Desert Mounted Corps, whose double mission was,
(a). To attack Beersheba, from the east, and envelope the enemy's left rear, and
(b). To seize as much water supply as possible in order to form a base for future operations. The 20th Corps would co-operate with Desert Mounted Corps by attacking Beersheba defences from the west and south west. The capture of Beersheba being the primary object of the army.
The Australian Mounted Division was to be prepared at Iswaiwan for a quick move either north westward on Beersheba or northwards to assist Anzac Mounted Division, who were moving to attack Tel El Saba.
From the rear of the Anzac Mounted Division, 8th Light Horse Regiment, under Lieut. Colonel L.C.Magyar, V.C., D.S.O., was detached at 0630 to take up the line 1280 - 1180 - 1210, and get into signalling communication with 7th Mounted Brigade, (operating on right of 20th Corps), on the left, and N.Z.M.R. Brigade, (operating on the left of Anzac Mounted Division), on the right.
8th Light Horse Regiment was linked up with right and left by 1800. Enemys positions and works at Ras Ghannam, were reconnoitred vigorously and discovered to be very strongly held.
After receipt of reports of the patrols, who had been reconnoitring enemy's positions E.S.E., S. and S.W. of Beersheba, during the morning, orders were received that the main attack would be launched against the enemy's position at Tel El Saba.
The Anzac Mounted Division were pushing the attack now on the right, and at 1400 the Brigade (less 8th L.H. Regiment) received orders to move to assist the Anzac Mounted Division at Tel El Saba, being temporarily attached to that Division for this purpose.
On moving across open country immediately towards Bir Salim Abu Irgeig, the Brigade came under heavy shell fire. The formation of the Brigade in this movement was squadron column in line of troop column, with double interval and distance.
On the arrival of the Brigade at the point of deployment Bir Salim Abu Irgeig, at 1500, the 9th Light Horse Regiment under Lieut. Colonel W.H. Scott, D.S.O., was ordered into the attack on the right of the N.Z.M.R. Brigade, supported by the rest of the Brigade, less the 8th Regiment. The 9th Light Horse Regiment moved forward across the open ground to the north of the main wadi where it came under intense enemy shelling, but suffered very few casualties. The movement was carried out with the Regiment in column of squadrons, each squadron in line of troop column, with 100 yards interval and distance between troops. The determination with which the movement was executed undoubtedly had a moral effect on the enemy, who