Item 03: Donald E. MacDonald diary, 1 February-12 May 1916 - Page 14

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[Page 14] Friday. March.
Roused 1.30am. Moved off to entrain and aboard about 3am in open goods trucks 23 men per. truck. Got down to is & slept till about &am passed Tel-el-Tebir about 6am. Slept most of the trip & had meals Bread, eggs, jam, paste, oranges and reached Alexandria Docks about 1.30pm. train going right along side of ship where we detrained and a couple of hours later embarked on S.S. 'ARCADIA', P.&.O. Line. making about 3000 three thousand troops aboard.

Acted Coy-Orderly Cpl & had tea 5Pm. leaving moorings an hour later 6Pm. Slept in hammock on Messdeck.

18th. Saturday.
Roused about 6.30am. Bkfast 7am. intended parade 9am. but Coy. being on Duty was cut out. Dinner 12. Slept all afternoon. Tea 5Pm. Reading and making up Diary later.

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