Item 03: Leslie William Sutherland order book, 1915 - Page 35

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[Page 35]

1) It appears the Turks are very short of equipment & rifle & are making every effort to get these from the dead after dark effort should therefore be made tonight to gather as many rifles as possible from those dropped in the vicinity of trenches during the recent attacks if this can be done without exposing men to heavy rifle fire
2) Some of the Turks appear to be using or rifles taken from our dead. It is very important therefore that arms should be looked after carefully & in future opers [operations] not dropped about or left on the dead.
3) All ranks must not allow themselves to be lulled into a false sense of security at the present pause in operations or doing any actual Suspension of Hostilities along our line full precautions must be taken & despite discomfort caused by rainy weather activity in S[niper?] Shooting & lookout work & supervision must not be relaxed in the slightest degree.

Bde 165 Div Order 112-114
The following extract from Div orders of 22nd Inst are published for inform & guidance & for nec action by all con order 112 water

All working parties before prd [parade?] on

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