Item 03: Leslie William Sutherland order book, 1915 - Page 17

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[Page 17]

in which you have worked with us making our task easy. We are all full of admiration for the gallantry & daring of your troops. The dashing way in which you took your present position will become historic & we all hope that your further advance will not be long delayed. Although no longer able to work with you we will follow your progress the greatest interest & wish you a short & successful campaign & the victory you so thoroughly deserve. Will you please convey to all ranks the honour we feel in having been allowed to cooperate with the Aus & NZ Army Coys & regret with which we leave them. With my very best wishes. Yrs Very Sincerely C.F. THURSBY

Para 3
Aus INT Base
Foll extracts from Aus Int Base Cir[cular] are published for Inf & guidance

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