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[Page 80]

Tel-el-Kebir are Fords; they have low gear engines I think but it is fairly wonderful to see the places they go; through heavy sand and up banks - nothing seems to worry them.
One of the nurses here is Sister Skinner from Tassy, she knows Barbara well and a lot of my Devonport relations. I went to church to day in one of the mess sheds here; it is the first time since we all went together at Cremorne on Easter Sunday.
Did not Kitchener's death come as a big shock to every body. I wonder how Lloyd George will be able to fill his place.
There is absolutely no leave granted from these hospitals and it seems rather hard to get with in 16 miles of the Pyramids and then not be able to see them; still I must not grumble when all the other chaps have only seen the desert and I have got to Cairo and am going on to Alexandria.
The only way we can get out is to go in the Red Cross car with a sister in charge of us; but it is good fun going round, but it only lasts for an hour. There are some jolly fine buildings round here, some of them are very pretty and all seem to have big domes on them. The Palais Hotel, Heliopolis is just a little way from here; it is supposed to be the second largest hotel in the world and it looks a grand place. Of course it is a hospital now.

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