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[Page 18]

Transcribers note: Written on Letterhead of Australian Imperial Force, Base Records Office, Victoria Barracks

Melbourne, 18th Nov. 1921

Dear Madam,

I am directed to transmit per separate packet post, the Scroll issued by His Majesty's Government as a memorial to those who lost their lives through the war of 1914-1918, and I trust it reaches you safely.

The Kind's message, which is issued with the Scroll, is enclosed herewith.

Memorial Plaques are not yet available, nor is it anticipated they can be for some time, as the work has to be carried out in a special factory, and is necessarily slow on account of the large number to be manufactured. None has, so far, been received in Australia, but when available they will be promptly distributed, no application being necessary.

It is also to be noted that the name inscribed on these memorials is that in which the deceased served and died, and no variation to this rule is permissible.

The favour of the early return of the attached receipt form (which can be torn off) would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

J.M. Lean Major
Officer i/c Base Records.

Mrs. B. Bell,
Margaret Lane,
Glebe, Newcastle, N.S.W.

Current Status: 