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Montreal Nov. 5th 1799.


I was honord with your letter dated Janry last on my way up the Grand River, since that time I have made the Tour of the Lakes & but just again arrived here. I returnd to Niagara about the beginning of Septr & the Season being too early to take up living plants I remaind during that month, & unfortunately the Kingston Vessels had uncommon long passages, & after got swamped at the Mouth of Niagara River which together with waiting eight days for Boats at Kingston prevented me from taking the advantage of the Tall fleet, but as there is some running ships ready to sail from Quebec, I have sent two Cases one large containing living plants packd in Moss & a smaller containing Seeds & some specimens with two parcels of Legania & both adressd to you & marked with the initial letters R.H.S.J.B. I am extremely sorry that I had not time & opportunity to pack them up in a neater manner. In the large case is a Garden pot containing three Aquatic plants viz No2 Nympoordes No3 Sagittaria Canceolata, No Dianthera sp: They all inhabit deep water. No 2 & 3 require a fat muddy bottom. I have kept Duplicates which I shall send to New York by the first opportunity. I am under great obligations to the Gentlemen of N.W. furr trade who gave me a passage to the Grand Portage, and particular to Mr McKenzie who is now returnd to England, you have no doubt heard of his crossing the Continent to the Pacific Ocean.
I am Sir with great respect
Frans. Masson

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