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and Ambition of your better opinion has Imboldned me to take this Liberty of Addressing you. Encouraged by the Impressions made on me by Your Civility when I had the Honr of seeg, You yesterday

I am Sr with the Greatest Respect Sr 
Your Very Humbl St.
John Passavante

May I Sr be Indulged the Privilage, to say, was there a possability of my Friend being in any way Attendant on You, in Your Voyages Confident I am, he would be so sensible, of the great good you had don him -- the High Favour confferd that every Faculty he would Exert every Moment Imploy to show it -- and in so Conspicuous a manner -- that you would Feal that unspeakable Joy. the Good only know finding they have been by Providence Directed to place the favour; from whence I fou'd all Desireabl Effects -- [Suffer?] to a By stander this may appear more than is Either right or Possable; for one man to Say of another -- In defference of which Suffer me Sr to reply's, I really know the Man.

[indecipherable?] Sir My Zeale for this Young man has I fear carried me again too Far -- nothing but Your Goodness and feeling for unabating Friendship can Plead in my Deffence 



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