Primary tabs
Timbers for spears.
Acacia polocarpa. Beuth
KYI C.B. o-yur (spear called by same name)
Acacia homalophylla. F.v.M. (gidysa) Georgina, Cloncurry, and Lower Gulf rivers
Acacia lysiphloea. Fv.M.
KM r-te
Acacia Rothii Bail. for distal portion of most of the [?] spear
NGG lar.
Bamboo [?] sp.
[?]erodendron [?] Mid[dle] Palmer
Croton triactos. Pennefather R.
Drymophloeus Normanbyi, Fv.M
At CKn. Bloomfield & McIvor R. perhaps.
do-war (same name as the spear)
[Erythirblae] Eucalyptus [? tenebiri ?] Pennefather
{ Eu[?]palia Lauria] Tully
Hibiscus brachysiphonius. FvM NGG yi [ansara]
+ Hibiscus tiliaceus CKn
NGG. korubrana
Macaranea tanarius, Mueller Ary NGG armbuta
Premna Dallachyana. Beuth.
KYI CKn taralka
Premua obtusifolia R. Br. Pennefather R.
Ptychosperma elegans Tully
Thespesia populnea. Corr.
NGG pe-a-manggan.
Tristania suaveolens Sm. Pennefather R.
Xanthorrhora arborea R.Br.
Wedelia biflora, DC. timber for spears NGG tondronga noma
Cordia subcordata, Lm. " " " NGG lava
Carappa molucceusis, Lam. prongs for fish-spear NGG adaimbite
Esmodium umbellatium, D.C. timber for small spears NGG ocoono
Pluchea indica, Lees. " " " " NGG onegona