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1795 - Memorandums
The greatest Enemy a Peach house has is the Fly a species of aphis, this animal in the Flowering season creeps into the blossom & eats the germen, it is easily killd by the smoak of Tobacco but the smoak if not administered with infinite Care is liable to damage the stigmata - snuff may be blown into the Flower without danger.
if Peaches & Nectarines appear flat as they increase in size soon after the set they are in great danger of falling. The Round Plump Fruit are most likely to come to perfection.
if trees run to wood as soon as the bloom is off there is great danger of the Fruit losing its nurishment nourishment & dropping, to stop this the branch must be tied down a bent branch is always slow in growing.
Cherries in a house seem to set their Fruit the better in standing very close together very gentle heat the admission of much fresh air during the time of bloom & many bees among the Flowers are necessary precautions, as soon as a tree produces light green Leaves it should be changd the dark Green leaves are a sure sign of health.