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Government long ago permitted me to send to the Colony you are now going to Govern a young Man as a collector of natural history & ordered him to be furnished w. provisions & such issues from their stores as might be deemd proper for his undertakings & I have constantly allowd him Wages at the Rate I think of a Guinea a Week which the late Governors King & Bligh have been so good to pay to him from time to time & to draw upon me for the amount as often as they saw fitting.

My request to you is that you would be so good as to take this young man under your protection in the same manner as your predecessors have done Pay his Wages for me on my account & draw upon me for the amount, grant him such indulgencies as you may think he deserves & particularly assist him in expediting the sending home such plants animals or other curiosities as he may have occasion to remit to me & more especially living plants & seeds which are always sent to the Royal Gardens at Kew.

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