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The Peeah being all grated down, it may be put into a wicker basket [indecipherable] Vessel sufficiently large for the Purpose. The bottom of the basket must be covered wh. thin cloth or grass as a strainer. The strainer is now filled with the peeah & worked about wh. the hand with a quantity of water until all the fine parts of it are extracted, which with the water falls into the receiver. This is continued until all is done, when the whole is left to settle, which it soon does. The day following about noon the water should be taken from it & fresh quantity added. The next day it may be taken out of the receiver & made up into La.Balls by moistening it wh. water & put into the Sun to dry. It requires to be kept constantly in the sun for many days before it will be sufficiently dry for keeping, it will then continue good for use as long or longer than any Flour. A small quantity scraped off as wanted for use & mixed with boiling water or milk makes a very fine Penada.