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to the Care of the Plants Gardens & in order to make him more diligent to let him be excused from the more laborious parts of his Common Duty that he may be instructed instructed in the manner of taking care of Plants at Sea & able to take the charge if there intended to be sent home for his Majesties use.
At every Port at which the Ship shall Anchor Whenever the Ship shall be in Port to order the Gardiner to make a report of the State of the Plants &c in the Coach specifying which of them are alive & in case any of them are dead or likely to die to replace them same if Possible with the same kind but if that Cannot be done with such as seem to you most likely to be usefull to the Colony & draw upon [indecipherable] for the expence of Purchasing them. It will now in all human probability amount to five pounds.
On your Arrival at Sydney Cove to Send give the Earliest possible notice to the Government of the State of