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Saild from the Cape of G.H. [Good Hope] the 12th of Novr. Around at saw the Southern extremity of the Land Jan 3d Anchord in Bot [Botany] Bay 18th.

Bot bay was found so shoal that many ships must have anchord with the entrance open exposd to heavy sea when it rolls in from the Eastward

Point Sutherland was best place for a town but the ground was spongy & the ships could not approach it there was a small run of good water

Many places could have done for a smaller settlement but none for so Large a one & the swamps renderd the healthyness of the country doubtfull.  Point Sutherland was however orderd to be cleared in case a better situation was found

Port Jackson is the finest harbor in the world in which 1000 sail of the line may lie in safety, the Cove they fixd upon had deep water so near the shore that at a very small expence Quays might be made at which the largest ships may unload

25t. Sailed & 26 all the vessels rendevouxd in Port Jackson

24th. 2 ships appeard off Botany Bay M de Peyreuse [Perouse] he had been at Easter Island - Manillha [Manila] Isles des Navigateurs [Navigator] Sandwich & Friendly Islands & had anchord off Norfolk Island but could not land on account of the Surf he had not Lost anyone by sickness M de Lengle Langle Capt of the Astrolabe was cut off by the natives of Maouna one of the Navigateur Isles with 12 men & officers many were wounded & two longboats he had on shore destroyd, the natives who had been friendly till the ships saild attackd two boats which had stayd behind for water

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