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due to his rank as Captain General, soon after prevented all communications between his Excellency and the Shore, in consequence of a proclamation transmitted to him by Paterson interdicting every intercourse with the Governor & the persons in his Suite and Retinue, or  who were on board H.M. Ship Porpoise; in that Proclamation imprecated for its illegal tenour, & outrage; the few legal Civil Officers who adhered to their duty & allegiance, are denominated the Governor's Accomplices, but proud that we are so discriminated by Rebels, we have in defiance of their interdiction, regularly corresponded with our friend and Governor, by every opportunity that offered, & at this moment we are looking out for the period that will relieve us from the most disgusting oppression & restore to us a Governor of our Beloved Sovereigns choice.  We have great reason to know that a design was formed in Sydney by Paterson, Foveaux, Bayley & Abbott, to seize & imprison the Governor a second  time at the Derwent, in which, to his lasting disgrace Colonel Collins was to have acted the principal & most conspicuous part - but his Excellency's usual prudence, & kind Providence which at the time afflicted him with a lame foot, that

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