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His Majestys Ships Gladiator
Portsmouth Harbour 13th. Dec. 1807
The Members of the Court Martial assembled this day for the trial of Capt. Short on Charges Exhibited against him by Lieut. Tilly, [possibly Lieut. Tetley] have denied me to state for the information of the Lords Commissioner of the Admiralty, that he was instigated to bring forward part of the Charges by Capt. Bligh the Govr. of N.S. Wales (of which he has been acquitted) whereby Capt. Short has been deprived of the Command of his Ship, precluded from benefiting by the benign intentions of Government in locating a tract of land ordered to be granted to him, obliged with a wife & six children under twelve years of age at an inclement Season of the Year to return to this Country in a leaky Ship, whose distresses occasioned the loss of his Wife & one Child, from necessity constrained to part with those implements of Husbandry he carriedÂ