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that the same fault will be greater in the heavy Seas she will have to encounter between the Cape of Good Hope & So Cape of N. Holland where for a tract of        Leagues the wind blows constantly from NW round by N to SW with heavy gale & a great Sea, & the consequence of a Ship Breaching too are better known to you than I can attempt to describe. - I shall now take the liberty of bringing to your recollection the aukward situation of the Sirius on a  Lee Shore off Van Ds Land on her returning from the Cape of Good Hope to New S. Wales in 1789 when nothing but a fortunate veering of the wind two points in her favor released her from one of those situations where every Soul must have shared the instant fate of the Ship, but by being stiff & able to carry Sail, she happily clawed off a strait Lee Shore which extends from the So Cape of N. Holland & Port Jackson, & several Vessels have experienced similar risques by Easterly Gales coming on before they have reachd Port Jackson, & should the Porpoise be in that situation in her present state I have my doubts of her being so fortunate as many other Ships would be; I must further trespass on your patience Sir, by supposing her safe arrival at P. Jackson, it is here Sir that I feel myself particularly interested in the Ship being equal to perform the Services expected from her & which I am confident would be highly gratifying to your well known zeal for promoting & furthering the public interest & welfare - Two services immediately present themselves on her arrival, going to Norfolk Island with or for provisions & being sent to the Cape of Good Hope for Cattle - She has now upwards of 22 Tons of Shingle & 80 Iron Ballast - That quantity must be doubled to make her half as stiff as she is now, after having deliverd a very trifling Cargo at Norfolk Island where the Sirius was lost from not answering her Helm.  If sent to the Cape of Good Hope [which?] may not be 


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