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the Cause; but if I can be superceded by an order of authority to be employed in other public Service then the public record will be in my favor, & otherwise they may pass me over if it ever comes to my turn to be an Admiral. She says after that I am to have all the advantages that the other Governors had, and that you kindly assured her you would soon have it settled. I have now only to say My Dear Sir, that with a strong recollection of all your friendship, I do, with a most affectionate mind undertake your kind and generous offer under a confidence of giving you great satisfaction, and that I shall live to see you happy in the event. I shall keep my Books up as close as possible, so that on notice of being Superceded I may quit the Ship in a day or two, but hope there can be no doubt of having a Vessel to carrying my things round as you imagine to Deptford, as there are several at Plymouth at which place I can easily be conveyed. I shall convey this letter to Mrs Bligh that she may know know my determination and I remain My Dear Sir ever faithfully Yours.
Wm Bligh