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was now being closed in on. The balance of the Brigade moved in support along the bed of the main wadi.
The enemy's position at Tel El Saba was at 1530 captured with the garrison by the N.Z.M.R. Brigade before the 9th Regiment dismounted for action.
The 10th Light Horse Regiment at 1630 was ordered to seize the positions 1020 and 970, and cut off any enemy retreat along the Beersheba - Hebron road.
The 9th L.H. Regiment was now ordered to move from 1080 to Tel El Saba, and take up a second line 1040 - 960, to co-operate with the 10th L.H.Regiment holding the line 1020 - 970, in cutting off an enemys retreat (from Beersheba towards) Hebron.
When nearing Tel El Saba the 9th L.H.Regiment was bombed by 2 enemy aeroplanes flying at the extremely low altitudes of 800 feet, and suffered very heavy casualties in both men and horses. Including the sub-section M.G.S. attached to 9th L.G.Regiment, casualties sustained were:- 13 other ranks killed, and 3 Officers and 17 other ranks wounded, 26 horses wounded and 32 horses killed.
The 8th L.H. Regiment had received orders from Headquarters, Anzac Mounted Division to rejoin 3rd Brigade Headquarters. When so doing they were also bombed by enemy aircraft flying at a very low altitude. The C.O. Lieut. Col. Maygar, V.C., D.S.O., was here mortally wounded, and died the following day.
At about 1900 news was received that Beersheba had been captured. The enemy had been taken by surprise, they had not expected a serious attack on this flank. Information of the movement in force of the Mounted Troops towards Asluj was not gained by the enemy. The enemy aeroplane which did detect the movement of troops to the south failed to return.
The 10th Light Horse Regiment was meeting strong opposition from an enemy rearguard, who advanced against one squadron, and entrenched themselves in front of the 10th Light Horse position. The opening up of machine gun and rifle fire at about 2130 drove the enemy back. The 10th Light Horse Regiment advanced troops had now entered Beersheba from the N.E. All Regiments and the machine gun squadron of the Brigade had during the day taken part in the attack. The casualties in the Brigade incurred for the day's operations were 13 killed and 33 wounded, with 36 horses wounded and 32 killed.
There were captured by the Mounted Troops nearly 2,000 prisoners, 14 guns and huge quantities of booty of all descriptions.
During the night the Brigade was continually sniped at from a ridge north of Beersheba. 25 prisoners, chiefly snipers, were taken by the 9th and 10th Light Horse Regiments during the night.
1st Nov. 1917
At 0500 enemy carried out an aeroplane raid; two planes flew a heavy rifle and machine gun fire from the Mounted Troops and one plane was shot down by the 8th Regiment.
Wounded and unwounded Turkish Prisioners were being taken from daylight and information gained from these that the Turks had fallen back to Sheria.
At 1430 troops of the 53rd dvision and Imperial Camel Corps moved through the outpost lines. Day outpost was then withdrawn and Brigade was concentrated in the neighbourhood of 960.
Big supplies of grain and tibbin were discovered in the vicinity of Tel el Saba. Horses were watered from pools in the Wadi Saba during the day.
At 1600 Captain B.B. Ragless, 9th Light Horse Regiment assumed the duties of First Military Governor of Beersheba.
At 1630 "C" squadron, 9th Light Horse Regiment, moved out as escort to 1300 prisoners despatched from Beersheba to 20th Corps Headquarters at Taweil el Habari.
Convoy carrying one day's rations for man and horse arrived at Brigade Headquarters at 1800. The Brigade had left Khalasa self supporting, with supplies for three days in the event of continuous fighting, after the attack on Beersheba commenced. Two days supplies only had been used up, and the arrival of the convoy our allowed for the third days fighting ration to be carried as a day's reserve ration. Had the infantry attack on the south and the south west of Beersheba failed,