Reynolds diary, 30 January- 4 November 1915 / Wynfrith Revell Reynolds - Page 89

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[Page 89]

for the men. The hillside side now is a maze of saps The rum is quite stopped & I see no lime juice at all Rations a farce a times 11 Small spuds for a troop 30 men sent down for 3 bags of mail. Bunny Bennett tries to cure N of swearing!! The ignorant pigs McCloud has not yet returned from hospital. Very pleased to see that Federal House has had to debate treatment of troops in Egypt & food etc Someday I hope there will be a day of reckoning with the curs of officers from top to bottom with few exceptions. What about Young of NZ infantry & Dug out King.

7.15 pm 28 June. Nothing special quiet day. Still very hot.

Tue 29 Firing still on down coast

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