Mercer papers, 9 December 1917-19 June 1919 / Harold Mercer - Page 9

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the waves. I woke looking at new l

Dec 10
I woke looking at new lights, and we were threading our way into Havre. Didn't get in until quite late. Berthed near us is a big American transport which is said to have brought 5000 Yankees over. The port of Havre we saw was not attractive; but the dock-wards parts of few towns are attractive. Seeing drinking shops with the titles like "Elephant & Castle" to attract the Tommy soldiers, amused me. Women with fruit to sell chased us, & did good business in the halts upon our march: one of them seemed only to know "Appoos! – appoos! three for a penny each!" She was selling pears. I told you a lot about Havre when I got over before; the men at our camp are mainly different now; and only one remembers my having come over as someone else. He reckons we will be bundled off to the line straight away, as the Battn. is going in, and he says it was badly cut up.

Dec. 11
Went through gas masks tests, and then had a long march, mostly uphill, to the gas school where what looks like an army corps of men were put through the gas chambers, and given "gassing" about gas by instructors. I got a queer sensation looking over a crowd of the Tommies. It seemed to me that a lot of girls had smuggled into uniform. Of course it was the fact of impression given by their pink, fresh faces, and the fact that many of them are so young. It gave me a sick feeling though, to see them. I understand we entrain for the north tomorrow.

(Will keep this going, sending it when I can.)

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