Mercer papers, 9 December 1917-19 June 1919 / Harold Mercer - Page 13

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[Page 13]

heard my name. They have heard of the business which resulted in Capt. Pearce's downfall, and seem to appreciate it. No doubt it makes things better for me – the officers seem to know me and quite a lot have already spoken to me. I met a man named Lanser coming back to join D Co. & became acquainted. He is a cousin of Miller Lanser. Miller was killed a week after he returned with his commission. He seemed greatly liked.

Kemmel is the first really knocked-about place I have seen. The least destroyed houses have the windows stuffed with sand bags & boards & are put to military use; other places are now piles of rubble; the church is a wrecked & the monuments in the churchyard are knocked every way; there are little graves with wooden crosses & the French tricolor flown on them right in the town. The Y.M.C.A. is in the Town Hall.
Singularly enough a rather fine Chateau, which, before shells made a mess of things, was surrounded by a fine ornamental lake & grounds is practically untouched. It is stated that the place is owned by a German; but I think the more likely solution is that the Germans imagine it to be used as a hospital. Anyway, its convenient for headquarters.
We are living in huts in "Rossignol Camp". The huts, which each hold about 30 – or would if the platoons were

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