Item 02: G. T. Birkbeck account of Egyptian and Palestine campaigns, 1916-1918 - Page 7

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[Page 7]

guns, besides a dozen Hun officers. At 7 p.m. we were withdrawn (to the west of Romani) to Polusium, lately occupied by the Turks & only two miles from our railway line. Here we rested till daylight, when our unit was sent to scour the desert for wounded light horsemen, but not one was found, which speaks volumes for the way in which the ambulances carried out their duties. We were then ordered to proceed to Katia – this occurred the following day, Aug. 5th as the Mounted Division were to launch an attack at 3.30 p.m. on the enemy's rearguard. To the tick did our boys gallop across open, treacherous country, with no protection for man or horse, & hurl themselves upon the retreating enemy, again causing him much damage & loss of men. This swamp where the charge was brought to such a successful issue was being swept the while with shrapnel & machine gun fire from Johnny's lines, but still the bravest boys who ever shouldered a gun went into it as though it was merely a snowstorm. By dusk he had made Oghratina with the handful of men left, & our boys were withdrawn to Romani, after

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