Item 02: Gordon Cooper miscellaneous papers, 1915-1919 - Page 3

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General Headquarters,
25th December, 1915

The following most gracious message from His Majesty the King has been received by the Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force:-

Another Christmas finds all the resources of the Empire still engaged in War, and I desire to convey, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Queen, a heartfelt Christmas greeting and our good wishes for the New Year to all who on sea and land are upholding the honour of the British name.

In the officers and men of my Navy on whom the security of the Empire depends, I repose, in common with all my subjects, a trust that is absolute. On the officers and men of my Army, whether now in France, in the East or in other fields, I rely with an equal faith, confident that their devotion, their valour and their self sacrifice will, under God's guidance, lead to victory and an honourable peace. There are many of their comrades now, alas, in hospital, and to these brave men also I desire, with the Queen, to express our deep gratitude and our earnests prayers for their recovery.

Officers and men of the Navy and of the Army, another year is drawing to a close as it began, in toil, bloodshed and suffering, but I rejoice to know the goal to which you are striving draws nearer into sight, and may God bless you and all your undertakings.

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