Item 01: W. E. Bendrey diary, 16 May-5 October 1915 - Page 7

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4th final leave. Returned to Camp 7th.
8th & 9th Rifle shooting
10th Issued with Webb Equipment (Blank)

16th Left Sydney 3 pm for an unknown destination (per Karoola) 7000 tons fairly calm. Slept deck
17th Big swell sick as blazes (am mess orderly too) No dinner – Sky threatening o'cast. Number gulls & porpoises. (Hugging the shore) 3.30 pm Feeling better sea calmer
18th 19.20.21 Land in sight Sea a little rough.
19th Getting rougher Land fading -
20 – 21 No land in sight entered Great Australian Bight. Heavy swells. Little

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